Village of Andover
Administration Office :
Andover is nestled on the Beautiful Appalachian Plateau
134 Maple Street
Andover, Ohio 44003
"Andover is nestled on the Beautiful Appalachian Plateau"
Pymatuning Lake draws over four million visitors a year !
Opportunity is being noticed by investment on Andover Pubic Square with new businesses !
Andover Union Cemetery Board
134 Maple Avenue
P.O. Box 591
Andover, Ohio 44003
Phone: (440) 293-4747 - Fax: (440) 293-4878
There are three (3) Cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the Andover Union Cemetery Board. The Maple Grove Cemetery and the Congregational Cemetery are both located in the Village Andover while the West Andover Cemetery is located in West Andover.
The Andover Union Cemetery Board meets every 4th Thursday at 1:00 p.m. of each month at the Andover Village Hall, 134 Maple Street.
Board Members
Dave Roberts (440) 645-0166
William French (440) 645-8278
Margo Hornyak (440) 293-6495
Fiscal Officer
Rita Gordon (440) 293-6019
Rita Gordon (440) 293-6019
General Information
Purchase Lot / spaces..................Contact Sexton
Purchase Foundation....................Contact Sexton
Tree, Bushes or Shrub Removal...Contact Sexton
Planting and Decorating Regulations are posted inside the display cases. A copy of these Regulations can be obtained by contacting the Sexton.